HM Consultores Privacy Policy


Data is collected, processed and stored by HM Consultores – Centro de Estudos Empresariais Lda., with registered office at Avenida Dr. Lourenço Peixinho, 18, 3º Andar, Escritório I, 3800-168 Aveiro, with tax identification number 501 863 630.

The collection of data, including personal data, takes place in the interactions established by HM Consultores, namely in the course of the following contacts:

  • General requests for information
  • Recruitment processes and/or spontaneous applications (internal employees and new hires/applications)
  • Contact and commercial solicitation (campaigns, event management and others of a commercial/promotional nature)
  • Contractual processes associated with the provision of services
  • Activities to develop consultancy services that may require the collection of business and personal data
  • Training activities (personal data relating to trainees and trainers)

Depending on the nature of the interaction, and only when strictly necessary (such as when carrying out training courses in accordance with DGERT certification), HM Consultores may request certain personal data, such as: name, e-mail address, address/location, telephone number, identification document/tax identification number, date of birth, gender, nationality, place of birth, academic qualifications, professional experience/course and bank/payment details (if applicable). At the end of the legal period for their use (and if the data subject has not given express authorization for their future use), they will be deleted.


In the collection and processing of data, HM Consultores limits this collection of information to the strictly necessary data related to the purpose of the service in question, always in accordance with the consent of the data subject, making use of the information collected exclusively for legitimate purposes.

In this context, the reasons for the need to collect data are as follows:

  • Respond to requests for information/proposals
  • Communicate relevant matters related to our activity and/or related to the development of our services, with this communication being carried out only as often as necessary
  • Complying with the requirements of accrediting bodies, on which the validity of certificates for some of the services provided depends, namely training actions
  • Invoicing services/products, such as consultancy services, training courses, auditing processes, others applicable to the scope of our activity

Whenever there is no specific legal obligation, personal data is processed by HM Consultores only for the period necessary to fulfill the defined purpose. The retention periods of your data may change significantly when there are archiving purposes in the public interest, legal obligation, historical, scientific or statistical reasons, and HM Consultores undertakes to provide the appropriate conservation and security measures.


HM Consultores may communicate your personal data to third parties, guaranteeing that they process said personal data solely and exclusively for the fulfillment of the indicated purposes. This sharing will always be subject to prior and express authorization by the data subjects.

Where applicable, we will share your information with:

  • Partner companies for marketing communication purposes
  • Regulatory entities and Management Bodies, for the purposes of verifying the compliance of the activities provided by HM Consultores
  • Entities with which HM Consultores has an operational partnership, for the purposes of carrying out the activities included therein

The service provider/partner shall exclusively process the data for the purposes established by HM Consultores and in compliance with the instructions issued by the latter, strictly complying with the legal rules on the protection of personal data, information security and other applicable rules.


You can exercise your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation at any time, such as accessing, rectifying, limiting or deleting your personal data.

If the use of your personal data is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw it, without compromising the validity of the data processing carried out up to that point.

If you make any kind of request in relation to your data, you may be asked to provide proof of identification, for security and protection reasons, for the data subject.


In order to protect your Personal Data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure, HM Consultores has established access control and monitoring of databases and information systems, through security policies aligned with the best information security practices, which guarantee adequate auditing and monitoring and accountability of access, so that the requirements of the GDPR are ensured.

The data protection rules followed by HM Consultores are defined in internal procedures that ensure the control of records and data and guarantee the confidentiality of personal data.


HM Consultores’ Privacy Policy will be constantly updated to reflect the comments received and whenever justified.

Whenever changes are made to this policy, the date will be updated according to the date of the last review/change made.

In order to keep up to date with how HM Consultores protects your Personal Data and ensures compliance with your rights, we recommend periodically consulting our Privacy Policy.

For any further information, please contact: