ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System is the international standard that demonstrates a company’s voluntary commitment to its environmental performance. It is the most widely recognized environmental management tool in the world.
Its aim is to recognize that the company identifies and understands the environmental aspects of its activities, with a view to producing products or providing services, and the associated environmental impacts. It uses a process approach, incorporating the PDCA cycle of continuous improvement, risk-based thinking and the life cycle perspective. It is applicable to organizations of all types and sizes, regardless of their sector or activity.

Why implement ISO 14001?
- Focus on sustainability: the company now acts in accordance with best environmental practices and corporate social responsibility.
- Essential for exporting: certification helps to enable exports to more demanding markets.
- Cost reduction: by establishing environmental indicators, preventive actions and a waste control system, waste is reduced and, as a consequence, operating costs.
- Employee retention: employees are increasingly demanding and ensuring that their health and safety is a priority not only increases levels of happiness at work but also retention.
What are the benefits?
The benefits of implementing ISO 14001 include:
- Competitive advantage: a company that shows environmental awareness is better regarded by society and the market.
- More efficient processes: reducing consumption, minimizing waste and effluent treatment, among others.
- Legal compliance: the standard ensures that the various environmental requirements that apply to the company’s processes are identified and monitored, which reduces the likelihood of penalties and fines.
- Involvement: when a company certifies to this standard, it sends out a message that top management and employees are involved in environmental management.
ISO 14001 is a certification standard, which means that companies that implement it can be certified by an accredited body. Certification is a demonstration that the organization meets the requirements of the standard.