Scope and Objectives

Support for Intellectual Property encompasses the registration and enhancement of industrial property rights in the form of patents, utility models, designs or models through national, European and international channels.


Available to SMEs and Small Mid Cap.

Incentive Rate and Form of Support

Maximum rate: 50% (non-repayable grant).

Eligible Expenses

  • Costs of obtaining and validating patent applications, utility models, designs or models;
  • Official fees;
  • Fees and other related expenses; and
  • Expenses incurred by a Certified Accountant or Chartered Accountant in validating the expenditure of payment requests.
Submission of Applications

The competition for Intellectual Property support is open until 30.DEC.2024!

  • 1st Phase: 27.JUN.2024 – for all applications, with or without registration of the aid request through Notice no. 01/RPA/2022
  • 2nd Phase: 30.SEPT.2024; and
  • 3rd Phase: 30.DEC.2024.