Casa Vera Cruz
MagazineHM #45 presents an interview with Paula Hipólito, General Director of Casa Vera Cruz, a company that is committed to contributing to society through education, philanthropy and training.

With over 50 years of history, Casa Vera Cruz is an IPSS that has changed the lives of children and adults through its dedication to social causes. Tell us a little about the main services you provide.
Casa Vera Cruz provides a range of services for children:
- Two double nurseries with a total capacity for 158 children;
- A pre-school with 7 classrooms and capacity for 148 children;
- A CATL (free time activity center) for primary school children with a capacity for 118 children; and
- A CATL for secondary school children with capacity for 20 children.
In the social sphere, Casa Vera Cruz offers the following services to the community:
- “Casa Abrigo” for women victims of domestic violence and their minor children, with a capacity for 16 people;
- CAFAP – family Support and parental counseling center, for families with children and/or youth at risk;
- Alternatives – selective prevention project in the context of addictions and dependencies, namely alcohol, drugs, online gaming, screens in general, …
- CLAIM – Local Center for Migrant Integration Support, focused on resolving issues related to regularization, social support, and intercultural activities, aiming for full integration;
- Kaleidoscope – project that develops intercultural activities, in-person and online Portuguese classes, and offers a counseling service for migrant victims, especially focused on issues of domestic violence, discrimination, and human trafficking;
- GIP – Professional Insertion Office for migrants, bridging the gap between companies/institutions and individuals seeking employment or training;
- Aveiro, casa que acolhe – project aimed at supporting Ukrainian and Afghan refugees in particularly vulnerable situations;
- POAPMC – operational program for food support to the most deprived people, part of a network of institutions in the municipality responsible for delivering food to 100 individuals; and
- STAF – cross-cutting family support service – provides food, clothing, appliances, footwear, household textiles, furniture, … to families associated with Casa Vera Cruz through different services.
We also offer other services, such as:
- Training – Casa Vera Cruz is a certified entity providing training services to both employees and external clients;
- Puro Linho – offers laundry and cleaning services for external clients;
- Vera Eventos – renting of spaces for birthday parties or corporate events; and
- GATIS – Amateur Group of Children’s and Social Theater – develops theater plays for children that address specific themes such as sexual abuse, bullying, and domestic violence, with a preventive and playful approach.
With the successive socio-economic crises, there has been a growing demand for IPSS and other social institutions to respond to various difficulties. Do you feel this impact at Casa Vera Cruz?
Whenever societies enter a crisis, the IPSS (Private Institutions of Social Solidarity) immediately feel the impact through increased requests, whether for food, for deferring payments (because paying rent and related expenses, as well as feeding the family, is a priority), or because unemployment rises. The pandemic brought a considerable increase in situations based on precarious or parallel economy jobs that stopped generating any income; the war brought refugees and the need to support those who welcomed and supported them; the energy crisis significantly reduced the purchasing power for the vast majority of families. And Casa Vera Cruz, despite also suffering the impacts of these crises, always seeks to respond adequately and promptly to the requests. What we lack in resources, we make up for in creativity and willingness to help. And we have a community that responds to our requests, greatly contributing to our mission.
The institution has implemented management systems such as the European Standard ISO 9001:2015 and conducts regular audits to ensure compliance. How have this and other standards influenced your work?
The certification of our quality management system allows us to manage more professionally. We are an institution with more than 100 employees and projects in very distinct and specific areas, involving several million euros. On the other hand, we focus on innovation and continuous improvement and take every opportunity for improvement to adapt our services to new needs. Legal issues have a strong impact on IPSS, and the management system certification allows for greater control over all areas.
If initially, the implementation of the system was somewhat strange, today it is perfectly integrated into our daily operations and is essential for good resource management at any level.
Whether it’s a company or an IPSS, the truth is that clients/users are increasingly demanding, and organizations must meet this paradigm. In this sense, what importance do you attribute to certifications? Is there any priority certification?
Certification, at any level, allows us to have a holistic perspective, adjust procedures, and systematize practices. Casa Vera Cruz has applied for certifications in different areas, not for the certificate itself, but for the contribution that the effort to meet the certification parameters gives us, contributing to a better understanding of the institution and the improvement of procedures and consequently the services we provide.
At this stage, we are directing efforts towards environmental certifications and also towards the reconciliation of family and professional life because these are areas very dear to us and where we want to invest.
As a forward-looking institution, Casa Vera Cruz has been considering investing in various improvements to its infrastructure. Do you believe that the investment incentives of Portugal 2020 in the social sector were adequate? With the opening of the new community framework, Portugal 2030, do you intend to apply for any support?
As IPSS não têm como objetivo o lucro, mas sim a prestação de apoio a quem dele necessita. No entanto, quando são necessárias obras de fundo em edifícios ou a aquisição de uma The IPSS do not aim for profit but to provide support to those who need it. However, when major building works are needed, or the acquisition of a machine or a vehicle, the institution must have the means to make the purchase. Thus, and also considering that institutions have very specific rules for operation, with different types of legal requirements, we hope that the new community framework will bring the necessary support to a sector essential for the full functioning of society. And yes, we will take advantage of all measures that meet our needs. We need support that contributes to the reduction of energy consumption and consequently sustainability, both environmental and financial.